CCTB Sunday night update


HI all,

We are getting one step closer to the cold months.  The latest weather forecast calls for up to several inches of snow on Friday.  Or it could turn out to be a perfect fall day.  Who knows.  Either way, if you are traveling, be careful.

This past week was an interesting one for me.  The Utah Division of Outdoor Recreation and the OHV advisory council was granted access the Silver King Fire burn area.  We got to see first-hand the devastation that the fire has done to the mountain.  It was also heartbreaking to see Beaver Creek Canyon almost burned completely.  The Forest Service and BLM are working hard to minimize any potential flooding that could impact Marysvale or the Deer Creek Drainage.  But even with all of that devastation, life is returning to the mountain.  There were fields of oaks and aspens starting to grow.  There were deer and other critters running around.  And there were even some patches of green trees in the burned-out areas.  The Forest Service is hoping for late spring/early summer to get the roads open again for the public.  

Another interesting thing we learned is that Miners Park will be moved. They are going to gather up all of the displays, old miners’ cabins, etc. and take them to Marysvale Park in the coming weeks.  This will help save them until such time as Miners Park can be restored, or another suitable place can be found.  And we also heard from the folks of Piute County that they are open for business.  They want us there; they want us to ride the OHV trails.  And there are lots of great places to ride.  So get on to Piute County and ride.

There was also the North Hills Trail Ride hosted by Charlie on Friday.  Thank you to those that attended and posted pictures.  

From Phil in Beaver:  The PST 68 50″ trail is now open. This was closed due to the Twist Creek Fire earlier this year.  It took many people weeks of not-stop work to get this trail safe to travel and open again.

Remember that this week is the Club monthly meeting at 6pm on Thursday, Oct 17th.  Come ready to talk OHV rides, ideas for 2025, and to RSVP for the Christmas Party.

Which by the way:

Christmas Party is Friday, December 6th starting at 530pm.

Dinner will be 6pm.

There will be a white elephant gift exchange hosted by Phil, Kelly, Carol and Pat with more information forthcoming.

Steve and Bob will be heading up the canned food donation drive for Care and Share.

We will do a 50/50 drawing ($1 per ticket) with the winner getting half and the Senior Center getting half towards their Christmas activities.

And of course we will have lots of door prizes.

Cost is $22 per person.  $27 for non-club members.  RSVP’s and payment must be made by November 21.  Unfortunately, there will be no refunds so mark your calendars now.

Please reach out to Kathy Barton for RSVP info.

And lastly, we will be planning a guide appreciation dinner for those that helped with the Color Country ATV Jamboree.  If you were a guide or support, please come with ideas.

Thank you for all that you do.  And be safe out there.

See you on the trails (unless it is snowing).

Brody Johnson

CCTB Secretary