Hi all,

Great meeting tonight.  Here are the highlights.

  • Report given on the Bar 10 and Cannonville Rides.  Everyone that attended had a great time.
  • Charlie gave report on his job with Iron County trails.  He has put on 1200 miles marking trails, repairing trails, and mapping.
  • Update on Color Country Jamboree (Sept 25-28) and Iron Off Road Rally June 13-15.  Registration is open.  If you are willing to help, please reach out to Charlie.
  • For the Color Country Jamboree, they are looking for donations for prizes.  Please get out there and talk to your friends and businesses you support and get them to donate gift cards, prizes, etc to the Jamboree.
  • Club Lunch tentatively June 7th TBD
  • Club BBQ in August. There was some confusion about the date. We will have that cleared up for June meeting.
  • Upcoming rides
    • May 31st to Beaver Taco from Parowan Gap
    • June 21st Moonlight ride (meet 7pm) changed from 9pm.  Paragonah Cemetary.  Plan about 5-6 hours.  Open to all machines.
    • June 29th Prime Rib Ride.  3pm Paragonah cemetery.
  • Phil talked about the Paiute Trail. They will be marking the parker mountain starting May 21st.  They are looking for help from anyone interested.  Reach out to Phil. 
  • Paiute Banquet is Sept 14th in Richfield.  Come out and support the Paiute Trail.  Brody and Phil have tickets.
  • Beaver Jamboree is Oct 2-4th in Beaver.  Registration is open.  
  • Blue Ribbone Coalition came and spoke to the club. We had Simone Griffin the Policy Director for BRC talk to us about what they are doing through the courts to help protect access to our trails.  Questions were taken and answered.  Some key points are that you need to put your comments in. You can do this through BRC and they will ensure that the BLM takes your comments seriously.  Get out and ride those trails that are designated to be possibly closed and document your travels.  Identify places that have special meaning to your family historically in places that are slated to be closed off to motorized travel.  The BLM often does not read all of our comments and in many cases ignores them. New BLM policy is opening up opportunities for groups that are anti motorized to lock up land in large swaths.  We need to reach out to our elected officials and encourage them to stop this.  Not all of our elected officials are on board.    Reach out to our local US Representatives and encourage them to support the BRC and all that they do.
  • As a club, we donated $500.  As individual club members, we added another $400 to the donation for a total of $900.  Thank you CCTB.

Next club meeting is June 20th